Core partners of the project:
ESN is the biggest student association in Europe. It is present in more than 480 Higher Education Institutions from 37 countries. ESN is operating on three levels: local, national, and international.
ESN works for the creation of a more mobile and flexible education environment by supporting and developing student exchange from different levels, and providing an intercultural experience also to those students who cannot access a period abroad ("internationalisation at home").
The European University Foundation (EUF) is an alliance of Universities working to accelerate the modernisation of the European Higher Education Area. To achieve this goal, the EUF bases its work on the following five pillars:
1. Quality Mobility, 2. Active Citizenship, 3. Digital Higher Education, 4. Employability & 5. Policy Innovation
Member Universities of the EUF stand out due to their cultural and academic excellence and want to contribute to a real European Higher Education Area through diversity and social fairness.
The Compostela Group of Universities (CGU) is a not-for-profit international association of Higher Education institutions. It is nowadays one of the largest, open, diverse and inclusive networks in Europe, bringing together 64 universities, 2 associate entities and 4 mutual members from 27 countries.
The CGU has as main aim facilitating and promoting cooperation in the field of Higher Education. It achieves this by acting as a platform to foster and support projects among its members as well as by participating in activities and projects as an entity in its own right.
UNICA - Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe was founded in 1990. It is currently made up of 46 universities from 35 capital cities of Europe, combining over 150,000 university staff and 1.800,000 students.
UNICA provides a forum for its Members Universities to reflect on the latest developments and demands of strategic change in university research, education and administration.
Associate partners:
The Crous contribute to the improvement of living conditions and student work in France.
Since 1955, the 28 regional centers and national center are a social oriented network that manages financial aid granted to students. The scholarships are awarded on social criteria. Their mission is focused on student life aspects (housing, university catering, supporting student initiatives, health, …).
The Deutsches Studentenwerk (German National Organisation for Student Affairs and Services) is the umbrella organisation of the 58 Studentenwerke (student services organisations) which are key and indispensible guarantors of the German higher education system. They offer support and advice to some 2.5 million students at more than 300 higher education institutions in around 200 locations and take care of social, economic, cultural and health matters.
The Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung DZHW (German Centre for Research on Higher Education and Science Studies) in Hanover, Germany, conducts empirically driven research with practical applications in the fields of higher education and science studies. DZHW’s research activities are rooted in theory and related to practice. Much of the research conducted is longitudinal, often taking on an interdisciplinary and internationally comparative perspective. By providing data and analyses it supports higher education institutions, policy-makers, and administrations on federal, state, and international level in shaping educational and science policies.
HousingAnywhere.com is the international student housing platform where students who are leaving their city for a few months can rent out their rooms to incoming international students! Housing Anywhere collaborates with more than 100 partner universities worldwide and helps students finding housing in more than 5000 cities.
Uniplaces is building the global, trusted brand for student accommodation. The online marketplace offers a unique service for students, provides an easy and safe way for students to book their accommodation entirely online. We are committed to empower mobility with few social initiatives; The first Living the Dream Scholarship Program, The Best Erasmus City Award, The Uniplaces Students Academy and The Uniplaces Guarantee.